Saturday, May 31, 2014


Dear Posh Bloggers
 Remember you can't predict the future, you can't change the past. You have just the present moments to make the best out of it. Be the friend and the lover because the unkind things you say and do today, may never be undone. Say I love you when you mean it. Share the boat of love. Wake up call.

Friday, March 28, 2014

worlds apart

Once upon a time I meant the world to you,
Roses red and violets blue
Gone from I love you like glue
to you don't know who your fucking with fool.

Once upon a time I meant the world to you
One minute,the best thing that ever happened to you
The next,we enemies and world's apart
Just like Jupiter and mars.

Once upon a time I meant the world to you
Truth be told sweet or sour
Why think all men to be different
All born into this world
That is shaped round and bowed.

Once upon a time I meant the world to you
Now only memories and sight of you disgust..yheww
It feels like am fully clothed and yet so naked
His seen me all but I shall carry this cross no more

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

peace is far better than war

I have no idea what the war is about,
All I hear is scream and shout
She starts off being really clumsy,
And I start trying to figure out shit but it's all foggy
I say may be is the stout I had that made her so mad
Thinking about moments I might have hurt her without knowing.
So why say sorry when I have no idea what I have done wrong
The only way to win this war is to raise the white flag and be done
And remember that peace is far better than war.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Inspired by the 300

Her eyes fed my soul,
I sank deep in the sea of love.
I would fight for her sweat and blood.
I thirst for her thighs and her cunt .
Am lost not lust in the moment of passion.
Intensity be as it may,
I will not let shadow or doubt betray my sweet thoughts.
I am forever bond to this chain of love.

Monday, March 17, 2014

The pride of a lover

 "Its better to lose your pride for someone you love rather than lose that someone you love with your useless pride"...Anonymous

 I guess you never really know how much value or worth a lover is until they are lost forever. If you are in the kind of relationship were all you do is argue over nothing and everything every time plus sorry seems to the hardest word, then this shouldn’t surprise you when I say that either you or your lover has pride issues. A person ruled by pride is only validated when others agree with their point of view. The bible points out in proverbs 18:12 that “Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud” it begins by humbling yourself and accepting that sometimes you’re wrong {we all make mistakes].even the greatest men and woman have all made mistakes. They learnt from their mistakes and experiences thus they made history.{With humility comes wisdom]. Be grateful and thankful you have someone that’s got your back [ your partner]. Instead of fighting, focus more on the good things and achieve even greater things together. Acknowledge each other’s contributions.  Be the ears and be the shoulder to lean on. With your hands, hold the heart as if it were yours. Be the back they climb on when he/she can’t stand, be the friend and the lover. A relationship isn’t one person’s work. So pride lover get off your high horse and be the best lover you can be.

"Its sad to see how many people are so full of themselves that i dont think they'll ever realize how empty they really are"... Drake

Sunday, March 16, 2014

we fight to the death and communicate less

Does "Lately, I've been feeling a little neglected" sound more conciliatory than "You've been neglecting me."? Yes it does.
Effective communication is about more than just exchanging information; it's also about understanding the emotions behind the information. Listening is one of the most important aspects of effective communication. Most times because we are trying to make our points known, we blurt out all of our angry feelings in the highest tunes rather than speaking slowly enough for our partner to understand. There is nothing wrong with speaking your mind but when you do, give a clarify information so as to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. When communicating how you feel, try to hit all of the key points instead of going round in circles and repeating what’s already been said. If you keep talking and talking, your partner might become overwhelmed and tag you as the nag.
As much as you want to get it all out, try not start an argument off by accusing your partner of making a mistake, this way partner is less defensive and more likely to communicate openly. Sometimes your partner is still working out his/her thoughts and feelings and wants some time to him/herself. Giving space and time to reflect and process those feelings can bring admission and realization. Remember a true compromise is one in which both partners feel that their thoughts and feelings are addressed while adhering to real constraints.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fashion speaks...

Recently I discovered that it’s now in vogue to marry because society demands it. Throughout the complete season you are like wow! How did we get to this stage where loving is no longer in style. We pretend while dating because we want to trend. Let’s start afresh you need to know what you’re comfortable in. let’s give an ovation to all those who have successful relationships even with all the ups and downs. They make us understand that loving is indeed a beautiful thing and we all should appreciate every work of art and every detail and thought put into it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

mutual agreement

Every relationship is built on the mutual trust....It begins with me and you

Sunday, March 9, 2014

talking in raps and rhythm

My love,my heart
I might never understand why a broken heart is deeper than a cut vein.
I will build a wall around mine, come shine come rain.                                                                                                                        
Let us make music while we grind,talk in raps and rhythm instead of cry baby cry.                               The world at my feet, your hands quave my meat. That makes you fit for a king..

                                                                                                         By Rushposh

The desire to succeed

Dear Posh bloggers

The strongest relationships require lots of hard work.  It has to be a joint effort of two. You can't tend to your relationship, alone; your partner has to be down too. without intentionally nurturing relationships, it’s easy to become strangers, for relationships to wither and become vulnerable.  In relationship you both listen with empathy and respect to another person’s perspective and experience –without judgment, defensiveness or blame. In a situation where there is no trust, lack of respect, you barely have time for each other, have incompatible goals such as wanting to get married or not, are stuck in a rut or bicker all the time, your relationship may be in deep trouble. To make it work you both have to be open to learning, and should both have a desire for the relationship to succeed. Build on the ability to deal with differences and problems in ways that often lead to greater closeness, understanding, acceptance and commitment. Stop with the procrastinations because sustaining the feelings of love in a relationship requires learning what it takes in today’s circumstances to stay  pleasurable in each other’s lives. Like I said relationships requires hard work and team effort. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

One basket or more?

A one on one relationship I believe is where is just two people in love with each other, they both share and give something into the relationship pool.A Case where by one person enjoys mutual trust and understanding from the other.  In these types of cases the stress on the individual as a person is minimal. In this type of relationship the partners can always rely on each other in times of need. Its big risk but I would suggest you invest in one person because the truth is everyone takes a piece of you. And the question is what’s left of you in the end and if it’s been just money and sex, how has that helped you [perhaps it’s the joy in Cumming that only lasts for a spilt second and no more to call you own] who can you trust? Who is standing by you?[no man is an island]"Am fine alone" is the lies most tell. Would you invest in one or do you prefer more?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

yesterday is gone

When you look back on your life don’t you just marvel at how it hasn’t been the major decisions   that have most impacted its course? It’s been the tiny, seeming in consequential ones. Like saying yes when you meant no but you said yes anyway. A couple of days ago i was talking with some babe who after a long discussion said she wished she could turn back time.[dont we all]
I knew he wasn’t the one I wanted my forever with but all my friends were getting hooked, they kept reminding me I wasn’t getting younger and I didn’t want to end up sad and alone. My ex wasn’t even ready, at least not for another year and I couldn’t pin my hopes on an unsure tomorrow.  So when the question was popped by the unwanted I said yes. Today am sad, am not alone and am unhappy because unwanted doesn’t complete me, even with three kids. 
I beileve that If only in that moment when I said yes, I told him I was still sleeping with my ex. If only in that moment I told him I cared about him so much that I knew he deserved someone who really loved him more than I could ever. What do you think poshbloggers?