Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hello posh bloggers! I hope your enjoying the weekend as much as I am. Nothing like spending time with fam.
When it comes to family,we are all still children at heart. No matter how old we get,we always need a place to call home...because without the people you love most,you can't help but feel all alone in the world.
Bond today with family and tell them how much you love them. It's worth it

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Falling in love with the wrong person is like poison to the soul. It hurts

Friday, October 18, 2013

Meeting the do you know when you meet the one?is it by their looks,they way they talk? for those who are married how did u meet the one?how have u gone though difficult times?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What do you do when giving up seems like the only way. How do you get pass that doubt or that voice that tells you "your not good enough".

Monday, October 14, 2013

Dear posh bloggers,
 it is said that a woman can never get enough of compliments...very true. did you know that men cant also get too much appreciation for his contribution..

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dear posh bloggers,
I got a lot of single ladies asking, How do you find the one? Y is it so hard and Y so many pretenders?

Friday, October 11, 2013

Your partner's family...for many young people in relationships, families remain an important source of emotional, if not financial support during their years in the university.
 Some people find dealing with their partners family difficult or frustrating. It can help to take a steps back and think about the parents good intentions because believe it or not families many offer well intentioned advise about your relationships or your partner. It's important that the two of you discuss and agree on how you want to respond to differing family values and support one another in the face of what can be very Intense "suggestions"from the family.  
 Try talking things out, try getting your partner and family to relation, let them see what you see and fall in love as well. It's not going to take a lot of energy and time,its not going to be easy but with determination and you both knowing what you want, who knows there might be a silver lining in the end.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dear posh bloggers,
Family.. A family is not an abstract cultural ideal. Did you know that a deep image of family,residing effectively in our hearts,can help us work and live together in ways that no rational principle can.      The culture of a family is not only a shaping influence,its also a resource into which a person may dip throughout his or her life for direction,meaning,style and how to relate with others.
     In many cases,young people feel antagonistic towards their parents, breaking away from them and going off on their own as a way of avoiding what they feel as the burden and restriction of traditions. What these young ones fail to understand that the loss of that family relationship,love and tradition can leave wide emotional gaps and holes that may contribute to feelings of emptiness and I wonder, the men who beat women for instant, who told them it was ok?who do we blame,the family?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dear posh bloggers,
    When a relationship seems so perfect we hate the word "change". When it as a tiny winny  problem we look for a quick and fast way out. Don't we sometimes just wish we could turn back the hands of time. You must understand that in life,nothing stays the same. We can't rewind,we can't pause or fast forward, we must face it,play on and make the best out of every moment.
  The test in a relationship comes when different series of hoops present themselves  for you and your partner to jump through, the trick is to figure a way out 2gether.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

When it comes to sharing,is your relationship an open book or a closed door? I asked two days ago..     Mr dear posh bloggers you should know that when it comes to communication,the couples who make it are the ones who are on the same page and know what's going on between the covers( you can take that figuratively and sexually if you'd like).
     Sure its ok to have a few secrets of your own that you keep from the world,but do u really want to keep things from your partner? Ideally, wouldn't it be nice to have someone who likes u just the way you are. No one is perfect.
    The thing, if your more open to each other..sharing innermost thoughts as well as beds and bodies. Relationships tend to be deeper and more satisfying. Wouldn't you want that?a healthy relationship.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Dear Posh bloggers,

When it comes to sharing and communicating, is your relationship an open or closed door?

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Good Morning posh's such a beautiful day and I thought we should start by
SPOTING THE SIGNS.                                                                                                                             *Never been a fan or a believer of long distance relationships. I see it as a long distance booty call. Think about it, you both leave in different worlds and only get to see during the weekends to hang out and have sex.. You think there is more? ITS CLEAR.                                                                              

*When He says " I'm really not much of a phone guy"...ITS CLEAR.                                                   

*Tells you all the sweet stuff before sex and after sex turns to a different person. Starts and ends every sentence with an ok( sudden lack of interest in talking). ITS CLEAR.                                        

*"Lets just keep things the way they are".ITS CLEAR..(doesn't see a future).                                        
*" I'm so busy ill call you later" later never happens. ITS CLEAR. Work never gets in the way love.  

*She only calls when in need every 2 3months..ITS CLEAR..Ur a bank.                                              

*Its not really necessary,marriage is just a piece of paper. I have friends who have kids who aren't married. ITS CLEAR. Keep your options open.                                                                                     

*He calls 10am,your there..He calls 11pm,your there..He calls you in the middle of the sea,you turn back and your there..ITS CLEAR.
A lot of guys keep women on a 'reserve list.' if he knows you'll always there when he calls, he will put you on the reserved list and go fishing for who else is out there. For me I think it takes the fun out of it..This is why I always say ladies you should never be too available or let the guy get too comfortable. He has to worry that you won't be there..

Friday, October 4, 2013

My dear posh bloggers, ever wonder  why women wait till before sex to pop questions like...WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?WHERE DO U C THIS GOING?and If they wait after sex, expect a question like..IS THIS JUST ALL ABOUT SEX?...ladies do you expect the truth from a horny man, that wants to just get inside you without drama or questions...the truth is most guys will just say what you want to hear at that point.. The few that answer honestly either get laid  or don't(No guy wants to risk having blue balls).

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

NAGGING...Make it Stop

what is nagging? Is it avoiding questions?asking the same questions you already have answers to?singing you deserve better but yet never leave? Crying for change when you very well know it's not going to come? 
Nagging means different things to different people. What is nagging to you? 
  Basically nagging is wrong approach and bad communication. guys should understand that being called a nag is never easy to take, and can cause you to question and doubt yourself. 
It’s not that men don’t make requests of the women who are nearest and dearest to them, it’s that the behavior is labeled differently depending on who is doing the requesting.
  You see that the problem here, really lies within the communication channel. The two of you might be doing a lot of talking, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're getting the message across the right way — or at all, for that matter.
   If your she is nagging you, she probably has something to tell you and you're not listening, so she's going to keep on telling you until you do. Don't feel bad about the listening part; I'll bet that you're not listening because she's not approaching you the right way.
 Stop the blaming game! ). It’s not that men don’t make requests of the women who are nearest and dearest to them, it’s that the behavior is labeled differently depending on who is doing the requesting.